GFI Software Named a Platinum Sponsor for MSP Expo 2023
Jan 31, 2023

TMC today announced that GFI Software has signed on as a Platinum sponsor for MSP Expo, the #TECHSUPERSHOW, being held February 14-17, 2023 at the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. MSP Expo is the premier conference and networking summit for MSPs. This is where MSP business owners and technology specialists share strategies to grow their managed services businesses.

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Email security and data compliance
Dec 14, 2022

Often, people in an organization are not aware of compliance and email security best practices. This puts sensitive information at risk of a data breach, leading to hefty fines and failing compliance audits. Learn how to secure your emails and comply with data security regulations.

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Dec 13, 2022

GFI Software today announced significant enhancements to its GFI KerioConnect product. The new release delivers several new and improved integrations that enhance customer capabilities.

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Full network visibility with GFI Exinda
Nov 8, 2022

In a network, each application strives for network resources. While the internet bandwidth is limited, consumption fluctuates, and critical applications suffer the brunt. Learn from the use cases of a real company about Bandwidth needs and struggles, How GFI Exinda can address these challenges, and Why a firewall cannot replace GFI Exinda.

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Protect your SMB from cyber attacks with GFI KerioControl
Oct 3, 2022

DDoS attacks jeopardize your business by creating revenue loss and unprecedented system downtime. Meanwhile, social engineering can manipulate users into sharing sensitive information which can bring down your business. SMBs could be hit the hardest.

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Fighting Cyber Security Threats with GFI Software
Aug 26, 2022

The increasing number of cyber attacks threatens businesses globally. These attacks cost enterprises not only data and money but also precious engineering hours to restore the damage done.

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